Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mobil Hemat Energi ITB

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) launched a three-vehicle energy saving student work. The cars will participate in the Shell Eco-Marathon competition to be held in Asia in July 2010 at the Sepang Circuit Malaysia.

The third car is named Rajawali, origin and heave-Exia. Bagasse Ananta, said team leader Eagles team concept cars has been considered since July 2009. Rajawali using 35 cc engine and fuel ethanol. Vehicle shapes inspired by the aerodynamic shape of water droplets.

"Heroes can be sped up to 50-60 kilometers per hour and cost $ 50 million," said Ananta Bagasse, told reporters at the ITB, Bandung, 26 April 2010.

While Teuku Naraski Zahari, team leader revealed origin origin using a 125 cc engine and it cost 40 million. Embryo can be sped to 40 miles per hour.

According Elingselasri, team leader-Exia heave, heave to cost 25 million and can be sped up to 36 km / hr. Kanzen heave using 80-cc engine has been modified.
He added that fuel consumption is still 1:200 km heave Exia. However, he could be optimistic in July will boost the consumption of automobiles to 1:3.200 km. According to him, record a new car today 1:5.385 km.

"We will continue to improve the engine and body will be reconstructed and brought back before the race," he said.

Akhmaloka ITB Rector said, ITB has always concentrated in the areas of science, technology and art. For that, team members origin, heave-Exia, and the Eagles are expected to answer the three challenge areas. "ITB supports initiatives and efforts of each student in preparing for their vehicles," he said. (Mt)