Yamaha Motor duck is a new product with a total change. Among others, 115 cc engine new and more sporty design.
Figure Jorge Lorenzo, from Spain, this year in the position # 1 MotoGP championship, made a new icon New Jupiter Z Komeng next. Same with ad Jupiter MX, Komeng with Valention Rossi, for Jupiter Z ad theme is "The Other more obvious Missed ..!"
According to Ir. Becky Dyonisius MM, vice chairman YMKI, New Jupiter Z teknoligi adopted sport. Because it also targets the target consumers are young people aged 18 - 25 years. It also factors that make Yamaha should use the figure of Jorge Lorenzo.
Even later, the motor is used Rossi and Lorenzo on MotoGP, there is writing "The Yamaha at Home".
Jupiter Z with a new engine and more performance and sporty style is not much different than previous versions. For the casting wheel, USD 14.5 million and the radius of Rp 13.8 million, on the road in Jakarta and surrounding areas. "Duck was already on sale tomorrow. Estimated pivot a week, "explained Dyon told reporters.
With the presence of this New Jupiter Z, Yamaha hopes to occupy the top positions motorcycle sales in Indonesia. We have differences with Honda Yamaha sales as the market leader in the motorcycle Indonnesia very thin. Yamaha only lost in the total motorcycle sales of duck. For scooters and sport, Yamaha ahead of Honda.
Yamaha uses a new visual ad concept for this Z Jupiter. "Ad we are more into the image and not the product," said Bambang Asmarabudi, General Manager of Promotion & Motor Sport Division YMKI after showing commercials telivisi this motor.
In fact, President YKMI, Yoshiteru Takahashi spoke up about this new product. "New Jupiter appear more stylish with new designs, and better performance and sporty,". Yamaha hopes to beat its main competitors in Indonesia, namely Honda.
"We're targeting sales of 50,000 units per month," said Bambang. He was sure, the new duck will be successful Yamaha mengaet young consumers, such as Jupiter MX.
In addition to the total of new machines, the appearance of Jupiter Z is more stylish. Especially the combination of light projector on the hood of the model under closed handlebar shield. Quite a lot of new features presented in this Z and Jupiter will be discussed in more detail later.
Yamaha Jupiter Z Baru 2010